
Holistic advocates for clean Energy
BLOG POSTS, May 30, 2024

We are a vertically integrated company and work as developers, independent power producer, management, integration and engineering, procurement and construction.-Bill Wang , President at Amergy Solar.

Ncorporating solar power into the existing electricity infrastructure is more important now than ever with the imminent threat posed by climate change and the need to reach ner-zero carbon emissions. In the race is a ground-breaking, turkey company, Amergy solar, with a mission to accelerate the transition from traditional to renewable clean energy.

Amergy’s expertise is diverse. We work as developers, independent power produces, management, and integration and engineering. Procurement, and construction contractors. It focuses on both large and small-scale power usage, with a client base ranging from commercial users like ice rinks, sports facilities, and warehouses to private residents and communities.

“We are a vertically integrated company and have everything a client needs in-house. Our Clients do not have to walk out of our office at any point of a project.” says Bill Wang.

All aspects of a project are managed in-house, from initiation to deployment. Amergy hosts all the required components, including resources, engineering, and construction. This allows it to take complete control over a project and drive efficiency.

Its professional structure and electrical engineers drive the seamless completion of each project. Its diversity and company culture assure that staff works in unison to help clients meet their solar power goals. A team of experts and ingenious designs help clients easily earn government approval for their projects. Amergy also takes pride in its procurement team, which sources supplies while tackling shortages in the industry.

To fast-track supply and construction, Amergy employs automation in many if its processes to enhance project completion. For instance, a project that would usually take two to three months is completed in 40 to 50 days, making it one with fastest installation rate in the industry.

Amergy offers its clients cutting-edge technology-the HIT photovoltaic module- that tracks solar production and savings from any location as an added advantage of going solar. It also assists clients in increasing ROI by leveraging most of its solar technology solutions, which allow them to build on power purchase agreements. This is a great choice for customers as there are no installation fees. They pay only for customers as produced at a significantly lower rate than what the utility company charges.

Amergy also paves the way for commercial incentives that include federal tax credits, state credits and incentives, and substantial savings on utility bills. Its solar energy system helps clients increase their internal rate if return with a minimum payback of three years. Amergy also offers clients the option of capital leasing, which allows them to purchase a system without an expenditure, while gaining tax brakes and bonuses.

In its residential projects, Amergy helps clients save between 30 and 50 percent on their electric bills, saving supplemented by state incentives. It offers the carbon footprint of buildings. As a clean energy advocate, Amergy employs expert staff who help clients make a significant positive impact on the environment.

Key Words: Solar energy tech, clean energy, Solar solutions providers


Virginia Paves the Way for Third-Party Solar Leasing with New Legislation!
BLOG POSTS, May 13, 2024

In a significant stride towards sustainable energy practices, Virginia has recently passed pioneering legislation allowing for third-party solar leasing. This legislation, set to take effect from July 1, 2024, signifies a crucial moment in the state’s journey towards a greener and more resilient energy future.

Encouraging Solar Adoption

The solar market in Virginia is poised for exponential growth over the next decade, with projections indicating a tenfold increase in solar installations. The introduction of third-party solar leasing is anticipated to act as a catalyst for this growth, providing homeowners and commercial property owners with an accessible avenue to embrace solar energy without the weight of substantial upfront costs.

Under this leasing model, property owners can now enter agreements with solar companies or third-party investors, enabling them to have solar power systems installed on their rooftops without the necessity of a significant initial investment. Instead, property owners pay a fixed monthly rental fee over the lease period, typically spanning 20 to 25 years, in exchange for access to the electricity generated by the solar system.

Removing Barriers

A key provision of the new legislation is the exemption of customers from providing proof of liability insurance upon interconnection. This alleviates a significant administrative burden, streamlining the process for property owners interested in adopting solar energy solutions. Furthermore, customers utilizing battery storage systems for self-generation will be exempted from standby charges, further incentivizing the adoption of solar-plus-storage solutions.

Commitment to Clean Energy

Virginia’s move towards third-party solar leasing aligns with broader initiatives aimed at advancing clean energy goals. The passage of the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) in 2020, which targets 100% zero-carbon energy generation by 2050, underscores the state’s commitment to sustainability and carbon reduction.

As of the end of 2023, Virginia boasts a solar capacity of 4.84GW, with an additional 591.6MW added in 2023 alone. Solar power already accounts for a significant portion of the state’s electricity demand, with residential installations gaining traction alongside utility-scale projects.

A Vision for the Future

With thousands of households across Virginia poised to explore their energy options and embrace solar over the coming years, ensuring the safety, reliability, and accessibility of solar installations is paramount. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) remains dedicated to advocating for an open solar market, prioritizing customer needs, and strengthening Virginia’s energy economy.

In conclusion, Virginia’s endorsement of third-party solar leasing represents a significant stride in the state’s transition towards clean and renewable energy sources. By dismantling barriers to solar adoption and fostering a supportive regulatory environment, Virginia is well-positioned to lead the way in sustainable energy practices for years to come.

Exploring Community Solar: A Sustainable Energy Solution
BLOG POSTS, May 11, 2024

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in renewable energy sources as concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to rise. Among these sources, solar power stands out for its potential to harness the abundant energy of the sun. While many individuals and businesses have embraced solar energy through rooftop installations, not everyone has the ability to install solar panels on their own property. This is where community solar comes into play, offering a promising solution for those who want to support clean energy without the need for rooftop panels.

What is Community Solar?

Community solar is a cooperative model enabling individuals and businesses to access solar energy benefits without installing panels on their own properties. Solar arrays are placed centrally, often on commercial/industrial rooftops. Energy generated is sold to subscribers, including renters or those with unsuitable roofs. Property owners lease their roofs to solar companies for 20 to 35 years, receiving lease payments while the company owns and maintains the system. This model fosters solar access for low-income communities and offers revenue opportunities for property owners.

Expanding Community Solar in New Jersey

In New Jersey, the Community Solar Energy Program (CSEP) overseen by the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has gained momentum, particularly after becoming permanent in 2023 following successful pilot programs. This initiative involves key utilities like PSEG, JCP&L, ACE, and O&R. The program’s recent expansion is notable, with 225 MW awarded in 2023 and plans for substantial growth in subsequent years: 275 MW allocated for Energy Year (EY) 2024, 250 MW for EY 2025, and a consistent 150 MW annually thereafter. The rapid subscription of the initial 225 MW underscores robust community interest and the program’s competitiveness, signaling a promising avenue for increasing solar accessibility and adoption across the state.

The Current Landscape of Solar Energy

As of February 15, 2024, the latest report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates significant growth in solar energy capacity. It’s projected that the U.S. will add 62.8 gigawatts of utility-scale generating capacity in 2024, marking a 55% increase from the previous year. The majority of this capacity (58%) will be from new utility-scale solar installations, with an additional 23% coming from new battery storage facilities. Challenges like supply chain disruptions and permitting issues have impacted solar industry growth, but solar and battery storage combined are expected to contribute over 80% of the new electricity generation this year. This underscores the ongoing shift towards renewable energy sources in the United States, driven by both environmental concerns and economic factors.

Amergy Solar specializes in serving the commercial and industrial sectors, with a primary focus on community solar, investment opportunities, and financing for a wide range of renewable energy projects. This encompasses solar installations, energy storage systems, EV chargers, and energy storage solutions. Our proven track record demonstrates successful project development and the establishment of a significant portfolio of assets over the years.

Biden Allocates $7 Billion to Residential Solar Projects, Opponents Claim Funds Flowing to China Dominating Solar Market
BLOG POSTS, May 7, 2024

On April 22nd, Earth Day, President Biden announced a $7 billion federal grant to support residential solar projects, helping residents in underserved communities use solar energy and save on electricity bills. This subsidy is included in the Inflation Reduction Act.  According to the White House, this initiative will create 200,000 jobs and save households in the program approximately $400 per year.  It is estimated that these projects will ultimately reduce emissions equivalent to 30 million tons of carbon dioxide.

Residential Solar Projects

In addition, Biden announced that the U.S. government will open recruitment for the American Climate Corps. This initiative was launched by Biden last September as a government employment program aimed at engaging the next generation of Americans in addressing the climate crisis. Young voters are often more concerned about climate change and are key constituents for Biden.

However, according to a report from the British Daily Mail on April 22nd, Biden’s $7 billion Earth Day solar subsidy plan has come under attack from opponents who even brought up China. They claim that this plan provides unlimited tax credits for companies investing in green energy but does not prevent foreign companies from accessing American taxpayer money, undermining efforts under the Inflation Reduction Act to revitalize domestic manufacturing with clean energy factories.

The Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022 includes billions of dollars in tax credits to help businesses transition towards low-carbon sources like wind power, solar power, and nuclear power. It also includes incentives worth billions of dollars, encouraging people to purchase electric vehicles and home electric heat pumps.

A Reuters report from March revealed that, based on regulations released by the U.S. Treasury Department nearly a year ago, builders using solar panels with batteries manufactured in America would be eligible for a 10% tax credit due to using domestically produced batteries. Additionally, some solar manufacturers have been lobbying for stricter domestic content requirements as a response to an abundance of Chinese-made products flooding global markets.

Economist Ferri from the Prosperous America Alliance stated that “the fiscal support under the Inflation Reduction Act is helping us rebuild our lost solar industry from ten years ago.”

If stricter restrictions are not imposed on imported solar panels, then it could backfire against the Inflation Reduction Act. He also mentioned that currently there is excessive construction of US’s solar manufacturing equipment while demand for solar is only moderately increasing

Previously, US Treasury Secretary Yellen responded during an interview with US media outlets, hyping up how the Chinese government provides “massive” assistance to electric vehicle battery and solar manufacturers, aiming to truly dominate these industries globally and give them competitive advantages. Responding to this, the Chinese Foreign Ministry emphasized that China’s booming new energy industry relies on technological innovation formed through competition within global markets rather than relying on so-called subsidies supporting protection, and urged the US side to correct discriminatory industrial policies promptly.

The City of Yes’s Carbon Neutrality Zoning Text Amendment Approved by the City Council
BLOG POSTS, April 26, 2024

The City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text modification was approved by the City Council on December 6, 2023. This amendment addresses out-of-date zoning code requirements that impede the development and application of green infrastructure and technologies in New York City. It is the first of three that the Adams administration presented last year. The zoning text had no mention of solar panels until an amendment was made in 2012; through this City of Yes amendment, the City examined multiple facets of the zoning text that needed to be amended to allow the City to advance its sustainability goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050. The zoning text, as is, could not accommodate many types of modern green infrastructure and technology, which did not exist at the time the zoning text was originally created in the early 1960s.

Changes to the amendment’s 17 policy provisions include updating recycling, composting, and water regulations; supporting electric vehicles and micromobility options; and expanding the use of rooftop solar panels. Additionally, the amendment makes it easier to install battery storage systems for solar grid networks in residential areas and allows for the installation of solar panels on over 8,500 acres of city parking lots.

To accommodate building electrification and ecologically friendly retrofits, previous limitations on building thickness and height will also be loosened. The amount of commercially designated land that may accommodate electric vehicle charging stations has more than doubled as a result of this adjustment. The amendment, among other things, encourages rooftop food production by expanding the use of rain gardens and permeable pavement and by cutting red tape. The amendment’s complete text is available here.

Twenty-five neighborhood boards and the borough presidents of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens gave the amendment their strong support during the review process. The amendment was approved by the City Council 38 to 8. The votes cast against them were cast by Council Members Ari Kagan, Vickie Paladino, Inna Vernikov, David Carr, Joseph C. Borelli, Joann Ariola, and Kalman Yeger. Members of the Council Darlene Mealy, Linda Lee, and Marjorie Velazquez were not present for the vote; member Christopher Marte was tagged as “non-voting,” and member Charles Barron did not participate in the vote. Within four days, the modifications will take effect.

The reviews of the other two City of Yes amendments are presently in the preliminary stages. Community boards, borough boards, and borough presidents are now debating the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity amendment. After completing an environmental evaluation, the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity amendment is anticipated to go up for public scrutiny in the spring of 2024.

“New York City is a ‘City of Yes,’ and this historic proposal will pave the way for a more sustainable future,” said Mayor Eric Adams. We have made significant progress in combating climate change by updating our city’s zoning rules, which also benefits New Yorkers all around the city by providing cleaner air, cheaper energy bills, more intelligent waste management, and easier access to EV technology. We appreciate the support of people around us in the New York City Council on this once-in-a-generational endeavor, and we’re excited to collaborate with them to promote our next two “City of Yes” initiatives to address the housing crisis and create a fairer economy.

The long-term future of our city and our efforts to combat climate change depends on removing obstacles to transforming our city into one that is greener and more sustainable, according to Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. The Council is providing our city and New Yorkers with options to bring about long-lasting change for our neighborhoods by authorizing citywide zoning modifications that support more energy-efficient buildings, transportation, and green infrastructure. I appreciate my colleagues and the administration for their participation in this project, which is essential to the success of New York City.

In order to address climate change, this is the most comprehensive and ambitious zoning endeavor in New York history, according to Dan Garodnick, chair of the City Planning Commission and director of the Department of City Planning. With these adjustments, our city will see a significant rise in green infrastructure, including solar energy, energy storage, EV charging, and building retrofits. For ourselves, our kids, and future generations, this sets us up for a more sustainable future.